Bill 141 | Defibrillator Registration & Public Access Act
What is Bill 141?
Did you know approximately 7,000 Ontarians will suffer cardiac arrest every year? If an Automatic External Defibrillator is used in conjunction with CPR in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest the rate of survival increases by more than 50%. Bill 141 addresses the importance of public access to AED's and will allow the government to create a public registry of these life-saving devices. As well Bill 141 lays out regulations and guidelines for the installation, maintenance, location, and accessibility of each device. This unanimously supported piece of legislature will create a public database of the nearest, accessible AED's that can be used in life-threatening cardiac arrest situations.
How Does Bill 141 Effect You?
If your organization currently has an AED on-site Bill 141 will ensure it is properly maintained, positioned, and has the right signage. As well your organization will be added to the registry as having an AED, this means that if someone nearby suffers cardiac arrest and 911 is called they will be able to tell the caller that your organization has an AED and someone can get it. Anyone who has an AED at their residence will be able to list it with the registry as well for 911 to see. The potential that this registry has to help is endless, if you suffered cardiac arrest at home and your partner called 911 they would be able to tell you if your neighbour had an AED for you to use.
Bill 141 also requires training for certain people in your organization/residence to be able to effectively operate the AED. Rural Rescue can provide this training!
Six Easy Steps to Comply
1. Have a designated area for your AED
2. Ensure AED and the designated area are easily accessible
3. Have proper signage around the AED and throughout the organization indicating its location.
4. Ensure AED is properly maintained and regularly tested. Pads/batteries are up-to-date.
5. Get the required training for your employees to safely operate the AED.
6. Register your AED with the provincial 911 registry.
How can Rural Rescue Help?
At Rural Rescue our team can help with everything related to your AED. We have a full-line of AED's for sale, can provide training for you or your employees, and our AED program means you never have to worry about pads/batteries expiring or remembering to perform maintenance checks. As well Rural Rescue is a certified SaveStation distributor which means we can ensure you get the appropriate wall mount and signage for your AED.
For more information please email or to read Bill 141 in its entirety click here.