Rural Rescue's founder Savannh Rogers was honoured to be interviewed by inDufferin for their Social Media spotlight regarding how small businesses reacted, adapted, and survived through the COVID-19 pandemic.
1) What was your biggest challenge as a business owner during COVID?
Uncertainty would definitely be the only word I could use (without swearing lol!!).
So much shifting of plans constantly. For us to properly train teams in first aid and CPR we need to be together, which was not an easy task with safety restrictions. I believe we did a great job at adapting our course to be able to still train but with zero contact to others. Our mannequins get a lot of abuse these days! haha
Video really allowed us to show full in depth examples of what we are trying to get across.
2) How did you keep yourself motivated to push forward?
Great question! Motivation and staying motivated is not an easy task, especially in this "season" of our lives. For me I kinda feel obligated to share life saving skills, especially when we are talking about our kiddos! It's what I have done my whole life, help people and I refuse to stop! Sharing first aid and CPR skills through video has been fun and the best way I could continue to feel like I was making an impact. The laughs we got filming kept me motivated! The "b roll" was always funny to watch.
3) What innovations did you implement for COVID that you will now keep for the long-term because they were so successful?
We will continue to create videos and find ways to share life saving skills. I feel like people think it's super scary to do first aid and that is just from a lack of info! The more I can share the more I can have a lasting change on the idea of helping others. COVID made us adapt but honestly its for the better!
4) What kind of feedback/impact have you received for you How-To videos?
Aww we have had GREAT feedback, it's so amazing to hear that people watched, enjoyed, laughed and took a few skills away from our videos. It's super scary putting yourself on stage on the internet but hearing that it helped AND entertained was a nice feeling. I have a lot of work to do to make the videos and my presence on video better but I think it's a great start!
5) Any advice for your fellow small business owners?
Well... get certified in first aid and CPR, you wont regret it! YouTube has been such a great tool for me to learn new things & ideas! Being isolated is so tough so definitely use any and all free resources you can like YouTube and our local Business development centres!
Be sure to check out inDufferin on Instagram and Facebook to see Savannah's story and follow along with us at @ruralrescue911 as we continue to bring first aid and CPR training to you right at home!
Special thanks to Britney Hope for reaching out and providing this opportunity.