We love our bath time routine!
“Bath, boob, bed”
The older one doesn’t get the boob part but you get the idea!
Routines work great for our family, it keeps us grounded. Sometimes routines can cause us to become a bit to relaxed, so here are a few reminders for bath time safety!
Babies new skin can burn easily, check the temperate of the water with your wrist before placing baby in the tub. It should be at or just ever so slightly above baby’s skin temperature.
Babies can drown in less than one inch of water, never ever leave baby alone in the bathtub or unattended in the bathroom while the tub is filling.
Use a non slip mat in the tub, this will avoid having baby slip and bonk their heads or go under the water unexpectedly.

Learn baby CPR. (We can help!)
Laugh and play but also start communicating about water safety and rules around water as soon as possible.
Follow for more safety tips!
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